Two Wool Pieces - Date Help

I posted this before then took it down thinking I should figure out on my own. Since then I have hemmed and hawed around about the date of these two items so I am giving in and reposting. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Both have side metal zippers which I think is throwing me a little bit. The Sacony label just doesn't have that "look" that older labels have but I know there is no hard fast rule. I think I am struggling with shorts because I am pretty sure I had shorts just like this during my 80s preppy phase.

Thank you so much!






The Sacony set has another label sewn in too - on the pants pocket it says "Carol Ann Walchli." The little tag with name matches the material of the pocket inside the pants where it is sewn. I am assuming she was the owner of the outfit?

I love both of these pieces but I really love those shorts. If only...
That is what I was thinking on the Sacony outfit also. Would they have still used the metal zipper that late? Again, I know there are no hard fast rules - that just seemed a little late to me for the zipper but the zipper and the outfit weren't "jiving" for me.
A good thing to look for on Pendleton labels is the woolmark. They added it to their labels in 1964, so a label without it is 64 or earlier. Pendleton made wool Bermuda shorts forever, these are probably late 50s/early 60s.

I think the pants ensemble is early 60s. The hem is just too narrow to be later than 66 or so.
Maureen -

How wide are the legs at the hem on the pants? They don't look overly narrow to me which is why I thought the outfit was later - maybe mid-'60's to late.
Linn - They measure about 13" around. They aren't ankle huggers but they have some taper.

My manni is terrible for pants - too short and of course one stupid metal rod down 1 leg. Ugh. If I had known then (when I bought) what I know now! :) Hindsight right?

Thanks all! Appreciate all the input. Interesting to hear everyone's take on the vest set.