I posted this before then took it down thinking I should figure out on my own. Since then I have hemmed and hawed around about the date of these two items so I am giving in and reposting. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Both have side metal zippers which I think is throwing me a little bit. The Sacony label just doesn't have that "look" that older labels have but I know there is no hard fast rule. I think I am struggling with shorts because I am pretty sure I had shorts just like this during my 80s preppy phase.
Thank you so much!
Both have side metal zippers which I think is throwing me a little bit. The Sacony label just doesn't have that "look" that older labels have but I know there is no hard fast rule. I think I am struggling with shorts because I am pretty sure I had shorts just like this during my 80s preppy phase.
Thank you so much!