UK care symbols


Registered Guest
Hello all,

I'm looking for some info as to old UK care labels. I realise this is a much gone over topic but I have looked prior to posting & can't see the information I need.

I've read on VFG elsewhere that UK care symbols became mandatory in '74, but I have a couple of items which have an old style label - instead of the usual temperature in a wash tub.

One dress has a '4' above a horizontal line over the '50' in the wash tub

Another has a '6' in the wash tub and then instructions written next to it for a 40 degree wash.

I could really use knowing when these old style labels were replaced with the modern ones in the UK.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!
Welcome to the VFG!

For best results, I recommend posting photos of your garments and the labels. I've seen fairly modern labels that are like the ones you're describing so it's hard to know, so far I don't agree that they're necessarily pre-74 but photos help a lot.


Thanks for the warm welcome!

I had a dig through, and found few more than I thought I had with the old care symbols,

The coral dress, the pale stripey dress and the floral maxi dress I think are all 70s

and the black & white striped dress and the black jumper are 80s as far as I am aware, but I'd love to be able to verify it or narrow it down further.

Thanks for looking!
From the styles alone, I would date them as:

1 - late '70s to early '80s
2 - late '70s to early '80s
3 - late '80s to early '90s
4 - '70s. If the collar was displayed clearly, the date could be pinned down more.
5 - Is it full length and polyester? I think it's '90s but I can't be sure on the information.

Sonialou you may want to remove that link as it no longer works, nor does the base website appear to be active anymore either.

Freshair going away from the care symbols a few of your labels have the hip measurements next to the sizes and this can also be used to date them as in later pieces the hip measurements disappear. I'm sorry I can't remember what guide I read about this in, it could have been VFG's own!
Hi All,

Sorry for the tardy reply - I've been internet-less after a house move.

Thanks to everyone who's helped me out.

Nicole, I've updated tumblr with clearer pics of the collar of the peach tea dress if you do get a chance to have a look:

and yes, the floral dress is full length but is 100% acetate rather than polyester.

Pinkcoke: Do you by any chance remember what era the hip measurements stopped being used?

Thanks again everyone