UK laws and regulations around selling vintage fabric

Suzy Davies

Registered Guest
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help with this as I've been searching fruitlessly online for answers. I have a large collection of vintage fabric and haberdashery that I would like to start selling online and I wondered if there are laws and regulations around this, specifically with regards to safety, fire regulations etc. I know that if you intend to sell upholstered items you need to adhere to strict regulations, but I can't find any information about selling vintage supplies. If anyone knows any information about this, I'd be really grateful to hear more. Thank you.
Vintage clothes are for sale everywhere , in all kinds of fabrics so must be ok to sell rolls of such fabric?

I also know of one menswear designed in uk - Scott Fraser collection - who makes/sells suits/trousers from original vintage fabric so another sign it’s ok?

he’s got a website , drop him a line and ask - he’s a very nice chap !
Hi, I believe you're correct in that if you are manufacturing any upholstered items for sale commercially, or they are post '88 and you wish to resell commercially you have to adhere to the fire safety regs law - but I don't know that it would affect private purchasers buying to use materials themselves, more something to be aware of if selling for commercial use? I don't know of any other specific laws surrounding older materials.

If you were really worried I would just contact trading standards and ask advice, they're really helpful - especially if you're trying to 'do the right thing' , I have found!
Thanks for your replies. I have tired Trading Standards who sent me to Citizen's Advice who, in turn, sent me to British Trading Standards...who have told me they can't help! So, I simply cannot find the answer to this question and no one is able to help. Very strange! I'll look into Scott Fraser, thanks.