Unsolicited movie review: Burn After Reading


VFG Member
Once again, I'm a little late getting to the theater for this one, but I had to share my thoughts on Burn After Reading.

OMG! How can a movie with so many great actors be so bad? Brad Pitt was good, but you could tell he was acting, if that makes sense. Clooney, gosh, his usual screwball comedic character, but with nothing to like about the fellow he played, it was less loveable. He looked like he'd had some work done on his neck, and the lack of lovability in his character somehow made the leathery tightness on his neck stick out. I dunno how that worked, but I found myself staring at his Adam's apple moving as he talked, like the talking stain in the Tide commercials.

John Malkovich said the F-word more than all the other ones combined. Tilda Swinton, well, she excels at the ice queen bitch character, but something about how she looks during real live events makes me think that wasn't a stretch for her, either.

The story line was a mess, there was no hero to root for, with the ever so mild exception of the boss to Frances McDormand's character, and even that was fleeting. As I said, I think the Coen brother's had use the copy/paste feature much too often on the F-word, for lack of better wording, thought, attempt at dialoge.
The humor was similar to that of Fargo, the other dark comedy of note by the brothers Coen, but without the charm of Buscemi putting anyone through a wood chipper. Yes, that was meant to be sarcastic.

I guess I need a hero, a worthy person of note overcoming a challenge or doing something selfless or amazing to like a movie.

Save this one for TNT, but even then, it's going to sound like a room full of answering machines going off for all the bleeping they'll have to do.
Suggested options to going to this movie? Clipping your Grandad's toenails, laundering stranger's underwear, roadkill cleanup, dental surgery.....

:) Jenn
Well, shoot-

I wanted to see this cause it looked funny in the trailers - I loved Fargo and figured the Coens would do it again~

Oh well, off to look for roadkill
THanks for the warning! I have to say I am disappointed more often than not these days... we rented 88 minutes last night - AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS -- it just doesn't make any sense but with Al Pacino in it I thought it HAD to be good -- my mistake.

THe last movie we saw in the theatres was Ghost Town - it was cute with a nice twist at the end but I generally like anything Ricky Gervais does. Oh, and the Sex and the CIty movie was not so great... sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Agree on Sex and the City - I saw it on a plane recently and was glad that it didn't cost me anything. Still want to see Burn Before Reading though I want to check out that adam's apple....
I usually rely on the opinions of the critics on www.rottentomatoes.com but this stinker got a rather high rating, like 78%. Maybe I'm just not "artsy" enough any more to like these offbeat dark productions.

Nevertheless, The Women has something like a 7% positive tomato rating. The reviews are just harsh!

If you're in for a chick flick on the rental shelves, I liked Penelope (the girl with the pig nose movie).
The New Yorker review really ripped it to shreds, saying it was the Coen brothers "most emotionally stunted movie to date" or something to that effect. So the artsy set seems to have been underwhelmed by this one!

I would have given it a shot anyway, but your description of the relentless profanity and George's neck weirdness have dampened any enthusiasm I had left...
Karen - after all the scathing reviews I read about The Women, I gave it a miss. I will try it as a rental instead. I didn't read one good review about The Women and I must have read at least 10 or so reviews.
Hey Jenn, you and I should have our own Siskel & Ebert show.

I thought it was Hilarious!! And yes, John Malkovich over-enunciates everything, which makes for some cringe-y moments when the character is swearing, and Clooney's neck is thinner, but I just thought it was because he's aging and/or losing weight.
This film came across as more of a comic book/graphic novel to me, with very cartoon-ish characters doing ridiculous things that will lead to their demise. And I appreciated that many of the most violent plot points were not on camera, but instead delivered deadpan by the CIA guys. I really was howling with laughter throughout. You're right, there were no heroes, but that was kind of the point. My only beef with this one is that while I adore Frances McDormand, I think her part should have been cast by someone who can better play a bimbo - hers was the character that was hardest for me to get behind. Also, Malkovich was not so convincing as a drunk, but did well as the angry-loser.
It wasn't perfect, but it definitely made me laugh. I say if you "get" the Coen Brothers and liked "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou" it's worth a view.


I guess that makes it One Thumb Up, One Thumb Down!
Really? I only laughed once, when Clooney tackled the guy from the lawyer's office that had been tailing him. It was the only funny line in the whole thing for me, delivered by that guy that played Betty's boyfriend in the first season of Ugly Betty. He had all of 2 minutes on screen.