Unsolicited movie review: Tropic Thunder


VFG Member
Holy carp Tropic Thunder is hilarious!! It is not for the faint of heart or the overly sensitive, as it mocks pretty much everyone and has some gross out gags.
Some of the funniest things are the cameos, which aren't sprinkled in to show who they could get on film, but which really fit into the story in it's completely screwed up way.

I really liked that Jack Black was not overly "Jack Black-ish" and Tom Cruise was excellent and nearly unrecognizable.
Downey Jr stole the show as "a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude". The supporting cast really does their job making themselves available as the butt of a lot of the jokes. Stiller was a bit "Ben Stiller-ish" in some scenes, but did a good job as the dimwitted macho man, and is also the main force behind production and writing, and did the directing.

Don't take the kids, don't take the prissy, but if you can laugh at rude jokes and straight situational humor, then give it a shot.
It is R rated, and should be!

There are frequent uses of curse words, and Cruises' character is the worst for language. There are several suggestions made to other characters of where they can go and/or kiss and/or stick something. :embaressed:

There is violence and blood, it is a war movie, sorta. Some of the violence is explained away with shortly after it is shown on screen, as the movie is about the making of a movie. For example, when one of the main characters has his hands blown off, they show another holding his severed and bloody hand, which is funny to me, since I can separate reality from fiction, but a young teen might not "get it". Or maybe they will, I dunno.

Jack Black's character has a drug problem, which he fights through the movie rather humorously, but a kid might not understand why he's wackadoo.

The language is my main thing that would bother me for a teen. There are more F bombs than you could count. Still quite funny, but potty mouthed. May be one to keep him away from.

Now Dark Knight wasn't bad for profanity. It was good, and I think a teen would be ok with it, if they are ok with guns and explosions and disturbed behavior (Joker, 2Face characters). It was a good enough movie, just didn't bowl me over....and there's no way it was appropriate to have been the sponsor on the Burger King Kids Meals.
Okay, thanks for the info!! We all saw Dark Knight and enjoyed it. There was implied violence, so you didn't see a lot of blood or anything and the explosion stuff was a hit with the boys, but I agree about the sponsorship. Too old for a kid meal crowd for sure!!
Thanks for the review. I'm not a movie goer and my hubby and son are talking about seeing this and asked me to go. I remembered this thread and had to read the review to see if I was going to go. :)
I live with 4 men I can't handle any more rude jokes!! haha! I'm sure the guys are gonna love it!