Unusual hats - dates? type?

I picked up a couple of cute hats.
The first is made of woven plastic? in yellow, green & white with a pom on top. It fit my kids pretty well, so I'm assuming it's a childs hat?? I have noooo idea of the date.


This hat is black velveteen. I have it on my daughter but it does fit an adult head. It has a folky feel to it. It is lined in red felt and ties under the chin. Embroidered with flowers. Date on this one?? Do you think it is a womens or childs??



(she wasn't too thrilled to be my model that day!)
The second one is definitely a child's bonnet. We wore these in the late 50's and it probably had a coat to match. Ah, memories!
Too cute! Any labels in either hat?

The black velvet hat is akin to a Swiss hat I bought in Switzerland when I was 11! The only difference - mine was a round like a yarmulka but also had identical edelweiss or eidelweiss flowers
My velvet cap was early 60' s so safe to say late 50's early 60's. It might even be worn as part of a Swiss folklore costume.

The plastic cap is jockey meets "Just William!" Maybe a give-away item at a ball game - that kind of thing? Could be anywhere from 60's - 80's.
I'd venture anything from 40s to 60s on the jockey hat, depending on material..if it was cellophane straw, probably later, natural straw could be any of the dates.