UPDATE: Now up on C&C!

Just listed on in the C&C <a href="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/forsale.shtml">Shop</a>

An early Regency bodice from an open robe gown:
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/bodice/1805bodice1.jpg">

A late 1810's printed cotton Regency dress..
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/1818dress1.jpg">

A 1830 printed paisley gown with hige gigot sleeves with it's original sleeve plumpers, pelerine and collar!!
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/1830gigot1.jpg">
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/1830gigot11.jpg">

An early 1830's printed cotton gown with large gigot sleeves as well:
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/1835gigot1.jpg">

A spectacular 1950's orange flower dress:
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/orangedress5.jpg">

and so much more in the Men's, Ladies, Children's, Accessories and Victoriana departments.

See you there!

The 1950's orange flower dress is so nice some one will be lucky, hope it make some good money for you.
Wow! Am currently mid way through another georgette heyer novel (so sad I know but I love them!) and it's fantastic to see the regency stuff that's being described in a full colour photograph! Fantastic selection Lei :USETHUMBUP:
Well, the two 1830's dresses are now on reserve for one of my regular customers! Shame I couldn't keep them myself but I know that were they are going, they will be well taken care of. :)
