Update on Condition: 40's Swing Jacket


VFG Member
Update on Condition: 40\'s Swing Jacket

This is odd. I took the jacket out of it's plastic garment bag a week or two ago. Since then, the fabric has softened up tremendously - to the point that I'm thinking about deleting the mention of it in my description.

Burpee said she bets it's due to the humidifier on the A/C. I say I'm Happy!!! yAy!

I have owned this glorious midnight blue gabardine jacket since about 1984. It has wonderful midnight blue rayon crepe lining & dark blue aurora borealis beading.

Here are two. I'm hoping the 1st one isn't too dark for you to see it.


Leisa, that is one gorgeous jacket! It looks 40s to me, but I am so not the best person to assess that age of item.... Can't believe you left the skirt! 50 lashes with the wet fabric noodle!
Thanks so much.

I forgot to note that ther is not even a piece of a label in it, but it's definitely NOT home made.

The jacket got very wet on one of my cross-country moves.
Long story short, I had it drycleaned asap by the 'good' cleaners.

Ten years later, the gabardine is very stiff, and the crepe feels spongier than I think it should & also kind of hard. It's been in my closet in a plastic garment bag all this time.

I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but maybe someone will 'get' what I'm trying to say.

Question is - should I take it to the 'better' cleaners or might it be a lost cause? I know it's hard to say without feeling it for yourself.

Come on over - I'll make coffee! :-D

I also have a great L'Aiglon nylon jersey knit dress that I'm trying to make ready.
It has a 55 - 63 union label.

I'm just trying to get some 'better' things together to sell.

Thanks again!