Update- What is that on his head?


I've started a new blog to share vintage fashion images from my collection. I've been out of vintage (professionally) for a while and wanted something fun to do in the meantime.

I'm starting with children's patterns from 1908. This is a sporting outfit, I think, and I'm guessing the thing on his head is a type of mask. Does anyone have more information? I'm thinking Lizzie might know!

You can see the full post by clicking on the image.

Well, it looks like a fencing mask.....but why would anyone put that on a tiny child who looks barely 3 years old? this is funny!

Maybe he has a problem with biting the calves of his momma's lady friends?

Oh, those odd old fashion images are so wonderful!

He looks a bit young to give a sword to - perhaps it's a face protector for a ball game? The cage doesn't go over the face in the illustration, which is to say that it does, they just haven't drawn it over so it's a bit hard to see how it would work/how much protection it would give, but that's my guess.

The young child is wearing knickers. I don't think this is a sporting outfit but it might be for play. Like Nicole I think the "cage" might be an exaggerated drawing of some kind of protective net - possibly to prevent insects. It is curious.
Thank you, Mary Jane! I tried replying earlier but my computer froze up.

I have a terrible internet connection at home!

Lizzie, it is www.vintagefashionparade.com. Thanks for the link to the sports history - I'd never seen some of that equipment before. I think you may be right about the catcher's mask.

I wish these old catalogues included descriptions of the patterns. It is interesting to me that the boy seems to be adjusting the mask, or taking it on or putting it off. It's a curious position for him to be in for a pattern illustration.

I asked the Friends of Vintage Base Ball group on Facebook what they thought of this as a catcher's mask. The response I got back was that it is not a catcher's mask, because in 1908 a catcher's mask would have had padding on it.

So the mystery continues. :)
I had asked my husband if this could be a catcher's mask (he knows far more about baseball than I do!), and he said the same thing, Laura, that there would have been padding on it even that far back.

A lacrosse helmet? Seems far too open for a fencing facemask. But it looks like something sports related....
I have to say that I don't think it looks like any sort of protective sports gear. It really looks like he got his head stuck in something and is trying to get it off. I know times have changed but if you really look at the cage, it wouldn't protect the little boy from very much. I do agree with Barbara however, it would def. protect the world from him.
I love your sense of humor, Barbara! :)

The thing to remember, though, is that this is an *advertisement* for a clothing pattern. Why in the world would the illustration for a clothing pattern show a child who has accidentally stuck his head in something and is trying to get it off? It doesn't make sense. Rather, I think the illustration shows him putting on the mask or fastening it.

I did find a very similar sports mask on Google images, but the link to the description (an eBay auction) is no longer valid, unfortunately. There was a reference to that link in a hockey forum.

The layout and width of the wires rules out protection from anything small - I think it may be for a ball or a stick of some kind (like a hockey stick). Fencing masks that I have seen use a fine mesh to protect the face.

Oh, how I wish this catalogue included a description!
