Velvet dress date help!

I was lucky enough to get this dress and a bunch of other things from the last Castle Howard sale in June from another dealer that was kind enough to go and bid for me on a bunch of lots as it was too far for me to go myself.

This dress was in a lot of clothing that I had wanted for some other things and is a bit past in date with what I usually specialize in.

Can anyone help me with the date? It has a metal zipper but the style of it confuses me. I'm caught between a late 40's/ early 50's date or a late 50's/early 60's date. The shape of the dress reminds me of the late 40's- 50's but the wide boat neckline remiond me of later. The skirt is pleated into the low sitting waistline and the dress is only lined in nylon around the wide neckline.

Help! :)

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I am going to say more of a 50s/60s cusper. I have had that type of bodice on several dresses of the timeframe, and have a velvet top that follows the same principle as well.

I am very open to being wrong, but that is my initial impression.
Thanks Chris! :) I'm going to retake the photos of it tomorrow with a small crinoline underneath it to give it a bit more oomph. I just wanted to be sure of the date first as I didn't want to put the wrong undersupport with it.

Don't quote me, i would wait for an expert.

The good thing with these types of dresses with the simple bodices is that you can dress them up to the nines or go more simple with them, but people often don't have a lot of imagination when they look at them. I belt it if you had something.