Velveteen Jacket 70's or earlier?


Registered Guest
Velveteen Jacket 70\'s or earlier?

Jacket is Velveteen with flocked Red Birds and Flowers. Shoulder pads under the puffy gathered sleeves (not under the shoulders) Button appears older than 70's. plain seams, hem of jacket looks like old black hem lace. My first instinct was 70's.

purty! I have such a thing for bird prints!! Late 70's early 80's for this purty one. Your instincts were dead on.:drinkingtoast: nice jacket!
I'm going to vote for 70s too. Its just the kind of thing my mum used to wear :)

Plus that lovely bird print velvet reminds me of an early to mid 70s Radley dress I used to have.

Just asking because I can't see it - is it collarless, or shawl collar?