Vera Whistler Hat? Vera Scarf?


Registered Guest
I have a 1960s faux leopard bucket hat with Vera Whistler original label and Arcade's Rockwood Ft. Smith label.

Is there any connection with the Vera of scarves fame and this milliner?
The 1950s label for Vera on VFB resource looks very similar to the signature on this hat. Different but similar. Is there any connection? Thank you. Sandy
The link you have says Vera Bradley was founded in 1982 so I don't think it has any connection to the Vera scarf designer. I skied at Whistler in 1979 and it was nothing more than a chalet and a parking lot - not exactly a resort - I recall a gift shop in the chalet sold stuff like bumper stickers, postcards, and keychains.
Well good grief. Butchered that one all up. I know it is Vera Neumann that makes the scarves.
So is there any connection with the Vera Neumann and the Vera Whistler?
I just flat do not understand how so many 1960s designers have so little written about them though the Vera Whistler hats seem to go back much earlier to 1930s or 40s.
I run into the same thing with glassware and dishes and early designers. Just a matter of putting the pieces together I guess. I have many, many old magazines I may just have to go thru to see if I can find this hatmaker.
Thank you Jonathan.

I agree it can be very difficult to find information on milliners, unless they were extremely well known there was not much written about them and their personal history. Hat makers were basically ignored by the fashion press (with the exception of New York and millinery trade publications), and they were sort of the poor second cousin to fashion/clothing designers. I have 2 Vera Whistler hats and they are both well made and a bit outrageous, and she did do some fairly high fashion and extreme hats, but she also designed for the more conservative tastes. I have not found anything referencing her prior to the early 1940's, nor have I ever seen a pre 1940 Vera W hat. The hats I have seen range from about 1945 to 1965. She probably was designing before 1945 but perhaps did not yet have her own label or was not selling her hats yet in department stores. Most of what I found were East of the Mississippi references, and I think she may have practiced out of Chicago but I have yet to confirm that. I agree there is no great interest to collectors for her hats, but if a really outrageous one comes along, then it does well. Her hats were never sold for the really high prices, she designed mostly for the average to upper middle class budget.

You mentioned the 1930's....can you please please share what you found? That would be great to know.

Thank you Barbara. I was mixing up another hat maker which did come out of New York I have been trying to find info on since I came on the net in 2002. Adele Claire. I adore her hats. Very well made.
I think I just flat like the names Adele Claire and Vera Whistler. Adele did make 1930s hats and I have some. Just discovered Adele Claire recently. I just love hats and have many.
I do see some 1940s Vera Whistler hats on the net.
Adele hat.


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Very nice hat, looks like velour felt. While it might be 1930's (hard to tell from just photos sometimes), it looks more post 1950 to me, mid to late 1950's. I am not seeing any 1930's clues here. Have you found information on her? Was Was Adela Claire a real person or a trade name? I have not done any research on the name itself, but I do have several hats with that label, and all are 1950's hats.

Thank you for sharing it!
After looking at your lovely site I am sure you would know. I may possibly contact you for some other hats that seem to follow me home. Your story makes me feel so much better about my loving them. Thank you. Very nice site.