Very Vintage Shoes at Dorothea's.....

Um, WOW! :o
So close (with # 7) and yet so far. I'm 7.5B, and my feet are less and less forgiving of "close".
I'm in awe. Of them all.

The black & white number 10s (30s?) are the ones I would love to wear, but at that size maybe I should wear them as earrings . . .

yeah, they're pretty well suited to be earrings for most adults! I'll have to hide them from Ava, if they come close to her size she decides they should be hers.....
last tiny pair she kept were a little beat up and while she was clomping about in them they broke in HALF at the arch! the shoes weren't so much the issue as they were not in great shape, but the rusty nail exposed we were lucky didn't go into her foot. no more vintage shoes for Ava!