Victorian ? dress/coat


Registered Guest
Hello all,
I've been out on a buying trip today and have a whole suitcase full of vintage clothing and I'm a bit stuck on the pre 1950s items.........
Is this Victorian? please help! it is unlined and has no labels, the buttons have a metal backing with a hole, the top one has just come of in my hand now.
Any dates/advice etc gratefully accepted.......I've got loads more yet! :help: thank you so much xx
Upload your pics to Photobucket. Once uploaded just copy the IMG code for the pic and then paste into your post here. You won't be able to preview.

You can use other photo hosting sites too - I am just most familiar with photobucket and find it quite easy. If you search the threads, there are lots of good instructions for posting photos here.

Make sure to resize before posting - I actually like to resize before I upload to photbucket. I usually do 500 x 500 as this seems to be preferred.

Good luck and congrats on your good day.
fingers x lol
I second Nicole's suggestion - seeing the interior construction will help a lot. My first thought was late '30's also.

How heavy is it? Could it be a robe or dressing gown?
Hi Nicole & Linn,
Thank you both so much for your thoughts. 1930s hadn't actually popped into my head so thank you and now I can see where you are coming from with that train of thought.
I don't know what the fabric is (I'm not all that great at fabric yet)
Anyway I've taken some more photos and also now found a label sewn into the shoulder, Louisa Lawrenson Worplesdon Surrey......I can't find aything on the internet about her as yet though.
Also this has been taken up in more recent years looking at the bright blue thread, do I risk taking it down again or leave it as is? I really love this piece and I would hate to destroy it in any way........ thanks again Sharon
The fabric appears to be a brocade. The construction looks "fairly" modern so I think that the late '30's estimate might be correct - possibly shortened in wartime. The label might be a seamstress rather than a shop but probably hard to trace. I haven't had breakfast yet and will try to do a search of the newspaper archives when I'm done.
Photos aren't showing - I think it's either an elaborate winter dressing gown or an evening coat. Probably made of a silk brocade, is my guess and I agree with Linn that the label would be a dressmaker. I'll check back later and see if the photos are back.

I meant to write dressmaker rather than seamstress. Two of the photos are not showing right now. I did try a search on the Newspaper Archives and in Google. There was or is an actress by that name but I didn't get anywhere with dress or the name and the name of the town.
Worplesdon in Surrey is near Guildford, its not far from where i lived in my childhood. Its quite a wealthy area all around. I've been through the village before and i am pretty sure there are no shops there now. Its only a little village! This suggests to me it probably was a very small dressmaker.
HI Linn,
I found the actress by that name too but I've not been able to find anything more about a dressmaker.
All very interesting comments though.
I'm going to put this one away now but if anyone comes up with any thoughts then I would still be interested to know.
Thank you all so much for your help, I'll try and get some more done over the weekend.
Thanks again Sharon xx
p.s why is the comment above showing as banned?
Hi Nicole & Linn,
Thank you both so much for your thoughts. 1930s hadn't actually popped into my head so thank you and now I can see where you are coming from with that train of thought.
I don't know what the fabric is (I'm not all that great at fabric yet)
Anyway I've taken some more photos and also now found a label sewn into the shoulder, Louisa Lawrenson Worplesdon Surrey......I can't find aything on the internet about her as yet though.
Also this has been taken up in more recent years looking at the bright blue thread, do I risk taking it down again or leave it as is? I really love this piece and I would hate to destroy it in any way........ thanks again Sharon
Hi Sharon
I don't know whether you are still interested but I actually worked at Louisa Lawrenson court dressmakers in the 1970s! My ex colleague who still remains a good friend sent me this link. I still have a label that we use to sew into the garments.
If you want any more info please let me know. By the way, I doubt the dress would have been that old.
Regards, Carol.