Victorian dresses including 1 rarity!!

I'm super pleased to have a group of dresses from one family. One is a great leg of mutton sleeve day dress, one is a blue print silk and the last one is my most unusual garment! The skirt is a split, wrap skirt!! In all my 26 yrs of vintage handling, I haven't seen on like this. Here's some quick pictures:

Leg of Mutton Sleeve dress, c1895--1900

Printed blue silk dress with petticoat too

Full view 2pc with wrap skirt


They are all on my board this week with lots more pictures and info. Come "window shop" and take a peek!
These are lovely, Barbara! I especially like the blue print. All I ever find is black.:(

Guys, look at her auctions for great pictures of these dresses.

I'm interested to see if Hollis, Lei or Jonathan have any
info to add on the wrap skirt one...very intriguing!

I also like the blue print, went to your listings and the
print is lovely!

Nope, I have never seen a skirt like that from then. Have no idea why its like that. I have seen similar skirts for riding habits, but they are newer, and this isn't a riding habit. I wonder if it might have been for an invalid? The funeral dresses are made like that, but I would expect the bodice to be open in the back as that is the harder part to get on the body and besides I doubt a funeral dress would have red and white stripes! So, I don't know.
BTW, the first dress is more like 1906. The deep cuffs and pouched bodice and the lace plastron are typical of 1906. They look very much like 1890s dresses, but the bodices of the 90s are tighter fitted in the stomach area and the sleeves would be contoured to the wrist from a full upper sleeve, or have a tight sleeve to the upper arm where it would then melon out. This type with the deep cuff and full uppersleeve is the Edwardian version of the full sleeve.
Oppss got so busy over weekend forgot to check back in! Thanks for the compliments and feedback comments.

Re the "leg/mutton" - some good points mentioned. The turn of the century is such a fascinating period of fashion silhouettes - so many extremes in such a relatively short number of years.

The extreme of that LOM on was '96-'97, so a 10 year range into 1906 is certainly reasonable. One philosophy I do tend to hold to is the fashion advertising of garment is not always equal to the popularity/age of garment. Also, one region of the country (world) has different year popularity than others.. same for urban vs rural. The swan look was totally fashionable 1905ish and the remains of the big billowy sleeve certainly stayed. So 10 yr span is what I gave her.

Another interesting tidbit on all of these dresses..... they all came from the same estate right here in my shop town of Caledonia. I am quite certain that all must have been home made. This is a rural area outside Rochester area. At the turn of the century, this region was prosperous and bustling!!!!! Obviously, this family was well to do.

And speaking of bustling..... wait till I get my photos shot/loaded of the midnight blue velvet bustle dress I have. From the tail end (no pun) of the bustle era. Very simple and elegant lovely at the same time! Will certainly share the pictures here.
Stay tuned!! :)
Beautiful dresses. I, too, cannot usually find anything further back than the 40s. Good Luck!!
Just one last ps on the thread here. The first dress barely reached $30 in bidding. Very sad.... (and of course it was listed with a reserve. These are too hard to find to throw to whim sales!)

But honestly, I'm not totally discouraged. As I wrote in another thread here, the cycles go round and if there is no interest in Victorian /Edw. dress at the moment so be it. The time will be here I'm sure!

And after all..... over 170 people saw it which is way more than would walk into the store and see it. That's a good thing. :)

My heart remains in Victorian and older fashions forever!!
Barbara, obviously out of those 170 people, not the right
couple of people have seen it yet! They will eventually.

Do you have pics of the blue velvet one yet?

Hi Sue....they are shot but not uploaded yet. Hopefully by weeks end.

Decided to take advantage of ebay's fixed price sale day and relisted the leg of mutton dress again at straight price.
Hopefully the next 170 people group will have the right one! She is SOOOO wearable, it's hard to fathom no sale....!;)