Registered Guest
As a collector of vintage clothing, I'm seeing more and more vintage 80's and 90's clothing in vintage clothing shops. I had just gotten my mind wrapped around the fact that 70's was vintage, when I started noticing a lot of 80's (not exactly high quality or designer either) in the shops. I have also noticed some on Ebay, but it doesn't seem to be selling very well there, unless it is designer.
Has anyone else noticed this trend? I must be getting old because I'm having a hard time thinking of this as vintage! I'd like to invest in some, but I find the quality lacking in so much of it. Are there any labels or designers from that era that you find well made? With quality fabrics?
I hope I have posted this in the correct forum. If not, please move. Thanks.
Has anyone else noticed this trend? I must be getting old because I'm having a hard time thinking of this as vintage! I'd like to invest in some, but I find the quality lacking in so much of it. Are there any labels or designers from that era that you find well made? With quality fabrics?
I hope I have posted this in the correct forum. If not, please move. Thanks.