Vintage Bra ; Sizing


Registered Guest
Hey, everyone! I have this bra, which is a white lace Pennyrich Kontoural {patent # 3,213,4?2}. I got a huge lot of these, and at first I thought they were 50s, but not I'm thinking more into 60s or perhaps even 70's.

Anyway, this first one has a sizing of 36CC. Is that bigger than a C, but smaller than a D or DD?

I've done some searches for a size chart for bras, but CC doesn't seem to be on any of the charts I've seen.

What date do you think? The straps are lace, cups and sides are lace. Metal hook + eye. Mesh stretch back. White metal adjusters. Small blue flower at the center bust. Bottom half of cups lined.

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Thanks for your help!
If you do a search for Pennyrich Kontoural - a bra pops up on eBay. The lisiting includes a big sizing chart. If you can get the patent number down to the exact number, you can check the date of the existing patent. There are two later patents from 1966 and 1971 but I didn't find one that started with the series of numbers that yours has. I believe I am reading Pat. Pend. which means that your bra was manufactured prior to the patent being granted.

I don't know much about vintage bras but I can see why you thought '50's. Try to decipher the number between the 4?2 and try various combinations at the US Patent site.

Hope this helps a little.
