Vintage Chanel Dress?! help...

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Smnz91, Jun 22, 2024 at 5:57 AM.

  1. Smnz91

    Smnz91 Registered Guest

    Hello, I'd love some help with this piece I found in a box at the bottom (please excuse the wrinkles in fabric it's been folded) in storage of a late family members. Is this genuine? It would surely be vintage if so. I'd love some help pricing It? Sadly it's a few to many sizes to big for me as it's a gorgeous piece and the fabric is to die for. IMG_20240622_203532.jpg
  2. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

    Can you please show us a close up of the label and also if there are any fabric or care labels on the lining.
    We cannot help with pricing as per our rules. We can help with dating it with more photos.
  3. Smnz91

    Smnz91 Registered Guest

    Hi Mary Jane, apologies - a date would be fantastic. This is the only label on the garment. IMG_20240622_203511.jpg

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