Vintage Couture Auction in Geneva Monday ...


VFG Member
As in tomorrow! Sept. 24.

According to the auction house, the items come from “Princess G.R. [who] lived in Switzerland for several years and [whose] possessions have remained intact in a container for more than 50 years.”

Who is Princess G.R. ? Princess Grace? She lived in Gstaad for a while. You can see the items HERE Click on the first pink box on the left. There is an inordinate number of furs ... but then again, it was Switzerland. Oh ... and purses.

I wouldn't know who she was either, but then these people, when they live in Switzerland, are often very discreet and one would never know... Ah, can't get away from work like that - and with the auction only starting at 7pm, I wouldn't get home anymore afterwards. I don't even know this auction house I admit, Zurich is dominated by the Koller auctioneers, and they occasionally do auctions in Geneva too, but this is a different one.


OMG I want this 1950 Lanvin dress set from the auction :wub:

It's estimate is only $300-$500 but we all know that'll never happen. In fact, the bags and furs are all fairly estimated, costume jewelry is a bit on the high side but the clothes have very low estimates. There's a 20% buyer's fee plus shipping and if I thought for a second the clothes would sell for that cheap I'd sit here all day and bid. The Fortuny dresses have an estimate of $1G-1500 and the last one sold at an auction went into the thousands. I'll be checking out the realized prices for sure.