Vintage Couture Online Auction Coming

Want a little "eyes up" candy? Be sure to check out the Leslie Hindman Auctioneers Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction that is to be held April 19.

I love going thru these online catalogs. It's great fun and good marketing research for the couture world! And should you shop there and win something - oh please be sure to report back!

Window shopping starts here: Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction
Oooooo-Ahhhhhh! I will have to look at every page when I have a little more time (only got through 10 of 62 this morning!). Thanks Barbara!
And here's the really cool part - for excellent market research you can see the completed auction with sale prices!
<a href=""></a>

then just select the couture one .....or any other! Great study/reading!
Interesting results - you can tell there is a recession on! A lot of items went unsold, almost everything else went within estimate and only a few things went above estimate, and then usually not by much.
Ouch. Some of those pieces might have sold for more on EBay with lower fees. Looks like Hindman was either estimating stuff too high and put reserves too high to start with or she got impatient and passed a lot of stuff instead of dropping the opening bid. Did anyone go?
I recall Hindman was expensive to sell through - and they are a nightmare to deal with if you bid inabsentia - they don't hold stuff for longer than 24 hours, they don't ship, and they don't have anyone they work with to ship. You pretty well have to be in the room to buy, and that cuts down their sales by a huge amount.