Vintage Eyeglasses Replacement Lenses

Joji Furukawa

Registered Guest

I recently purchased this pair of vintage eyeglasses from Etsy and I am wondering if anyone knows where I could have the lenses replaced with sunglasses lenses. I have tried doing some research and so far there has not been a company who will do this.



Any help would be great. Thank you!
There are lots of companies who do this.

You don't say where you are, but search online for "Reglaze spectacles" or "reglaze glasses". Most companies are catering for prescription lenses, but will do usually plain non-prescription lenses too, including sunglasses. You can get them done through the mail.

It will be at your own risk, as the frames have to be heated to get the new lenses in, and there is a chance with old frames they may break. However I've done this many times with vintage specs and never had a problem.
Hi Ruth,

Thank you for your reply. I didn't know reglazing existed until you suggested it, but will definitely check it out. Part of the problem is that I am in Canada and the Canadian dollar is relatively low now. I found one company in Australia that will replace lenses in vintage and they offer a fixed price for shipping which is great.
I don't think you need to a specialised company that caters for vintage frames, just a company that does normal spectacles and has a good reputation. You can mention that they are old frames and see what they say. That's what I did. The process is the same whether vintage or modern frames, you just want a company that will be particularly careful given that they may be more fragile.

I'm in the UK and there are dozens of companies on this tiny island that offer this service, so there must be some in Canada. This is who I use - not a vintage specialist, just a glazing specialist, but they told me they often did vintage frames. I've had about 5 vintage frames reglazed through them now (I do wear prescription lenses).
Sorry, I should have said that they can do it for vintage too. The problem is that I don't wear glasses at all, I just want a pair of non-prescription sunglasses. The company I found is called Sunglass Fix and it looks as if it has pretty high ratings even from people in my neck of the woods. I definitely don't want to take them to the optician as I have read they are expensive. This company offers them for around $50 depending on what lens.
Your problem is not really a problem. The companies who do prescription will also do non-prescription lenses for sunglasses. It's the same process. They start from around £20 in the uk, inc postage.
I'm from Canada! I think most places where they sell glasses can do this for you. I think sears or costco might offer this, if your optometrist sells glasses they might even offer it too. If your glasses aren't in too bad condition they could probably do it for you safely. (I mean they can switch out the lenses)