Vintage Fashion Show photos, and thanks again to the VFG!


VFG Board Member
It's been a few months since the big fashion show I put together, but I finally have 2 albums of model's pictures, and I thought I'd share! I was asked to organize this project for the local Women's Club, it was a fundraiser for kid's educational scholarships. I had 31 models and 101 outfits - frm 1880 through 1980 - plus a huge bridal finale! (Never again!! I was insane to take on something this involved!) It went really well and we raised over $4000+ :headbang:

Also -- I am taking orders for a DVD that a professional filmaker made of our fashion show! He interspersed the live models and historical narrative with old photos from the historical society, WW II images, etc., so it's a nice little film for anyone interested in fashions as they changed over the decades. The DVD is $22 with shipping and will be available within a couple weeks, so let me know if you'd like one. The proceeds again will go to the Women's Club and directly to Vermont high school kids who need help paying for college. The film is about 1 hour, 20 minutes long.

Oh - and I had him credit THE VINTAGE FASHION GUILD in the film credits, for assistance given with this project (remember all my zillions of questions last Fall?? You all know who you are!) :kiss2:

Here are the pictures!

Vintage Fashion Show photos 1880s-1940s

Vintage Fashion Show photos 1950s-1980s & Bridal Finale

Please become a fan of Morning Glorious Vintage while you are viewing my Facebook photos! THANKS! :cheer:

Originally posted by fast_eddies_retro_rags
It looks like it was super fun- you did a really stellar job, Jen! Plus, major admiration & karma points for doing it for non-profit. Very cool.

Thanks! The funny thing was that I agreed to do it as a volunteer, I didn't expect any money out of it, just free publicity. I knew the organization had no budget (I was on the board of directors previously) - BUT - after the show was over, I actually received an anonymous, extremely generous financial gift! Some of the members involved with the organization really appreciated how much work went into this, and they pooled together and presented me with a check in a card signed "from your secret admirers!" I couldn't believe it, needless to say I was thrilled!

I also sold several clothing pieces as a result of the show, so I did allright! :drinkingtoast:

Yah, the 70's and 80's clothes cracked me up, but we were going for the "cliches" for this audience. The Armani red power suit with Nikes was a hoot! Also the doubleknit poly yellow snakeskin pant suit - that model couldn't believe I would punish her so! :clapping:

Originally posted by Elsewhere
Wow, Jen!

Those are fabulous!

I scared the heck out of the cat laughing at the 80s red powersuit with the white sneakers! LOL! :hysterical:

That cracked me up too...a major look of the 80s here, with the briefcase.

That's a masochistic amount of work for you, but obviously the models are having a blast. LOVE the guy in the Santa beard!!!!