Vintage Hairstylist?

Hi - I just wondered if anyone knew of a hairstylist/hairdresser who either specialised in "vintage" style hairdoes or was veyr adept at them? A friend needs one for her wedding hair! Any help much appreciated!
I can't help you in your area but the guy who cuts my hair is about to retire from the biz at the age of 70 and he was telling me last time I was in his chair that the whole business of hairstyling is completely different from hairdressing - most modern stylists are adept at cuts, product and blow drying but haven' t a clue how to set, comb, dress, or pin hair. This shift in skills changed in the late 1960s when Sassoon revolutionized the way women got their hair done. There were still older women who continued to get their hair done the old fashioned way but that became less and less with each passing year. Although the old methods are still taught in school it is no longer considered a necessary part of the hairdresser's education so most forget how to do it, especially as they have nobody to practice it on. Anyway, what the point of all this was was that you might try finding an older stylist who was trained in the old fashioned hair dressing ways and could remember how its done, so look for someone who is old enough to have gone through hairdressing college before the late 60's -- they have to be at least 60ish!
Depending on what your friend has in mind, this website might be useful to her and her hairdresser.
There are styling instructions and tips for some of the hairdos. Also, just a fun place to browse!
This site, found on a quick google, also has instructions for several styles and photos. I think i"m going to bookmark it myself to browse later.
However your friend decides to approach it, best to give the style (and stylist) a trial run or two before the big event. DD recently had a near disaster with her hair for prom - had always done curls with her long hair for big events, but got a short bob cut a few weeks before prom as she is performing in a musical set in the 1920s. She pincurled her hair the night before, and when she took it out a couple hours before prom, she was in tears - she has lovely thick hair, and it looked like a wavy bush! If I had had a few days to practice, I think I could have learned how to finger wave it, which would have looked fab with her vintage dress. But time was short, she was stressed and afraid of another disaster so she ended up washing out the curl and blow drying back to the simple bob.
Alas, my old hair stylist, who was adept at pincurls and other vintage techniques, is now in NYC. She styled my hair for my wedding in a 50's reminiscent style, and I got so many compliments on it. If you can find a real stylist, not a hairdresser, who's been well trained, he or she should be able to create a vintage style even if he/she hasn't necessarily done one before--but as someone else mentioned, have a couple trial runs before the big day!