vintage hat date?


Registered Guest
I am brand new to this page and have FMS so I am confused easily and forgive me if I am doing anything wrong, I was sent here from the FB page because they do not like to help on FB so I am loading up this hat I have seen this type in 1940's films but don't know it's actual date and name of style. The hat is velvet w/o tags or any stamping of brand etc. It does require a pin to keep on though not a regular 'topper
hat it is not a full brim either .I appreciate any help. I assume the date and bought it for 20 usd so I think I got a deal,


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Hi and welcome. Many of our knowledgeable members don't visit the facebook page, so you are in the right place to get advice.

Hopefully someone will come along to help you on the date and style of this hate.

Welcome! Ruth is correct, many of us are not on Facebook or do not visit often. This Forum is the best place if you have any questions.

It is difficult to date some hats from just looking at a photo (especially black hats which are hard to photograph clearly), as we need to feel the materials and see the construction. But I will do my best! From what I can tell your hat dates from the late 1940s to mid 1950s. The style does not have an exact name, but it does look a lot like what used to be called a Watteau style hat. I really like it, it is rather unusual.
thanks, I have seen them in he later 40's films 3x now i should have written them down but i hink 'the women' was one of them, it is perfect velvet the silk kind
Another vote for late 40's early 50's, could it be considered a pixie hat?
yes good one! SO many hats were toppers and then I can recall many being pixie like too. I know I saw this hat in 3 films and worn by extras so it makes it harder. Well a good excuse to re-watch a few. I know it mya be an earlier film bu in 'dark victorory' Bette wore a poiny had tough htis one had a plume -I see a lot of those online!