vintage label help on several? Updated pics


Registered Guest
I don't think that I saved my previous. I am hunting for a date or information on this label.

"Caryle" cute wool dress with matching belt. great full dress, interesting line detail in wool. No interior lining. I will add photos later.

I also have a bright poly piece looks (mod) would that be early 60s?

V.Pascal??? Found a web site (V. Pascal of Baltimore)

Finally, question about "Dalton" wool pieces not cashmere. In love with this grey poly top, skirt, and wool cardigan. Headed to cleaners, so will update with pics later.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I accidently posted this twice, please excuse me. It has been one of those busy days.
Many regards,
Updated with pictures!!!

Thanks Carrie,
Just took some pics!!!

More pics

I can't figure out why the little dot is appearing on the dress?

Here are the other things. I am trying to figure out the material on the Pascal piece. It feels like cashmere, but I am wondering if it is a wool blend? Texture?

Other lime piece trying to date, 60s??




lime to come next, thanks all!!!
We actually don't have that Carlye label, and if you'd like to contribute your picture, we can add it. Post it on this thread:

The dress is mid 1940s, and super-cute!

By the late 1950s, there were literally 100s of low to mid-priced dress and sportswear makers in California. I've never heard of Elegant Miss, but I'm sure it would fall into that grouping.

Dalton was a major cashmere maker starting in 1951. They also made wool skirts and jackets that coordinated with their sweaters. In the 70s and 80s they made more separates, less cashmere, so that by the time the company closed in the mid 1980s, they mere mainly making knit separates out of poly and wool, and blends of the 2.

And a bright poly piece would more likely be late 60s, early 70s.

I would love to add the Carlye piece, but not sure of exact date to indicate?

Would like some input on texture of newish Pascal? Thanks a million.

I am on the hunt for a pricing guide for some of my vintage pieces, any suggestions would be well received. I am sure that I am low, but I use auction format.

Again thanks ladies, I have been overwelmed with the kindness of everyone. Thanks a ton!!!
those are all great pieces, D!

the Carle has a 40's look/vibe to me (rather than 70's does 40's, that is)

that's a ribbed twill weave, isn't ?? (on the Pascal) and it has a nice jacquard satin lining. cashmere is impossible to tell by photo, needs to be felt (or at least i need to)

i'd venture LATE 60's/more 70's on the lime/white/navy, too
I'm very sure the Carlye is mid 40s. Yes, I'd have worn this dress in 1974, but I'd have wanted a higher armhole and tighter sleeves! The lovely symetry of the way the stripe was cut would have been lost on a lower cost label like Carlye in the 70s.