Vintage Leather Tooled Handbag Satchel


Registered Guest
I have a vintage leather tooled handbag which I can only best describe as a punchwork patchwork design. See the little holes amongst the patches on the front of the handbag???

If anyone else has some creativity (which I seem to have run dry of this morning) muchly appreciated. How do I describe it best???

I also need to run something by you as well. The handbag is a hard frame design and the top frame is the closure. When the handbag is opened, you open it with 2 hands. One hand would reach in but you have to hold the other hand to keep the purse open.

It is not a clamshell design and from what I can see of the gussets it was not designed this way.

We are all used to more or less opening and closing handbags with one hand and I guess it has been awhile since hard framed designs were used.

The handbag won't stay open on its own and when you let it close, you have to give it a slight squeeze. You would then use the leather flap closure and snap it shut.

The bag access is so weird and I have not come across it before. It is unmarked so I am assuming it is hand tooled and not a commercial design.

I have mentioned it as a condition problem stating what I have above. I don't want to knock down the handbag as it is a nice one. This may in fact be the way it was made??? What do you think????

Thanks for any light you can shed.....

Off to my Saturday sales, should be fun....:yay:



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Hi Nanc!

Looking at the mechanics again, I think you could assure people it is handcrafted. I have had that hinge sort of mechanism on beaded bags, but obviously all done in brass...sort of free swings from the rest of it.

I might start off with "Vintage Handcrafted Leather" or even if you want to push the envelope "artisan". I believe that is also called leather punchwork, but that might just be in the description, no need for the title.

There is a lot of use of "Speedy" to describe something. Just like "Kelly" bags are not just Hermes, I have seen a lot of people start to call bags that remind one of the Louis Vuitton "Speedy" bag as a "Speedy" even if it is not. And its not exact, but the bags i see described that are similar handle spacing as well. To be safe, you could use "Doctor Bag" style or Doctor Satchel style. I know it is not exactly right on the money, but its close enough.
I can always count on your Chris to throw me into the saddle!!!

I am not even familiar with that term "speedy" except that I had better be this if I want to get together with family and friends for an afternoon of Sunday soccer....

I am at a loss as to the construction of the hinge mechanism but can well understand why it has been done this way. Machine made is simply not the same as hand crafted!

Big Tank U!!!
