Vintage Magazines


VFG Member
VFG Past President

I just picked up about 70 of these old magazines from the 30s and 40s, mostly House Beautiful. Love the decorating ideas and ads. I think this one is from 1946.

Does anyone else sell old magazines and do you have any tips on asking price, what I should include, etc?
That's true, on my other selling ID I sell a lot of ephemera. I've actually sold many issues of House Beautiful in the past and some issues have gone very high.

I usually take photos of the cover and a few photos of the inside articles. If there are any articles on famous architects or articles on mid century furniture / designers, make sure you add their names to your title or at least in your description so they can be picked up in a search.

I would list all you have at the same time because you will get a lot of bidders combining purchases. I usually start magazines low--around $7.99-$9.99 and then just let them go where they will.

Then if any don't sell --I usually list the leftovers in a lot.

Good luck!