Vintage Mugshots

Amazing. The pictures are haunting and some quite lovely. My how things have changed. Thanks for posting!
Am I the only one who thinks this is actually quite sad?

Finding humor in others' despair seems cruel, even if they are unknown or dead.

Yes, the photos can be haunting and touching...BUT

I found some of the fake crimes of the women infuriating! I could tell it was man who wrote the alleged "crimes" of the women...not one mention of being arrested for picketing for women's rights or ..arrested for being abused by her employer and for standing up for herself ...or being the victim of some man's bad influences or..being forced to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or perhaps stealing vegetables or a bottle of milk to feed her babies...Some of those women look in such despair. The whole thing seems kind of sexist too.

Although perhaps it is also a bit sexist of me to think ...that a man is always responsible when a woman gets into trouble?

I am always the party pooper!

Barbara, the captions and article were written by Emily Temple. She sourced them from John Gall's blog, who sourced them fromAustralia's Justice & Police Museum. I tried not to pay attention to them, they were pretty ridiculous. I hope you checked out the second link for, the descriptions of crimes seem much more objective :)