Vintage rug dating help?


Registered Guest
Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone knows of a dating forum for other vintage textiles? I have a lovely rug that I had initially thought was '50s but now am inclining towards '30s.. Or if anyone fancies taking a look, here's an image!

Thanks :D


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I don't know about any forums for something like this but there probably are some! Could you show a closer view of the surface? Is it a pile rug? My first impression based on the colors is possibly late '60's or early '70's. A (close) view of the back would help.

My first thought with the colours was '60s but agree that the design has a '30s Deco look. I agree that it will be helpful if we can see a close up of the pile, a pic of the back and also - can you tell if it's pure wool or has some synthetic component?

It looks contemporary, and yet has a 1930s look to it. The edging and backing photos will give good clues. If it is cotton, I vote 1930s. Can you tell if it is wool, cotton, or a synthetic? I think I duplicated Nicole's remarks....oops!
Oh weird, I posted a reply to Linn's message, and it didn't come up!
It's a short wool pile (about 1cm), hessian backed, and the colour is actually a little more muted, more of a russet red. I was thinking 30s as the oaky-leafy motif was popular in that era in interiors and surface design, as well as the colourway- I've seen a few aspirational interiors mags/books from that time featuring a similar colour palette.
It's certainly not modern, and doesn't have the feel of a later 60s-70s piece, I remember my Grandad's house was decked out from that period and I spent a lot of time with my lego on the floor! ;)

Thanks for your replies,


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Great close up pics - the colour looks much better now. I agree with '30s - I used to have a club lounge suite, '30s, in those colours. Your rug would have gone perfectly!