vintage santa costume & velvet coat

Instead of packing my early santa away..... I put him up for grabs.

He came from estate of early clothing and fits into the early 1900s -1920s years. Fun suit! You wanna store him?????

Santa Claus costume auction

And..... one more thing I posted up - a really pretty late 1950s black velvet coat - perfect for chilly prom nights!

Black velvet 1950s coat sale
There are christmas collectors who shop all year. I really don't remember when Santa Claus was first seen wearing red. I want to say it was illustrations from "the night before christmas" or maybe it was way before. In the 1800s i know he was more of a "father christmas" style of attire.

That jacket is also lovely! BTW, what are the measurements? Size 4/6 varies greatly these days.

Get your Santa costume early! That is a wonderful outfit.
Senti and her endless mind of useless information again...

"Santa" (I have trouble calling him that, I'm British so he's father Christmas or Old Saint Nik to me) was apparently first illustrated in red at the end of the 1800s when a famous cartoonist named Thomas Nast (who drew many pictures of him) decided to change his suit colours yet again (he'd previously changed the traditional green clothes to brown) and painted him red.

This red suit didn't actually become a popu;ar well-known and accepted image until the late 20s and early 30s when Coca-Cola based some of their Christmas advertising on some of Thomas's cartoons and began worldwide yearly advertisements which engraved the red-suited jolly Father Cjristmas into everyone's minds.

So it's Coca Cola in the 1930s unless you lived in a community of political cartoon lovers in the late 1800s. LOL!

love, moons and starrs,
I was wondering about that. I knew that what really popularized it was the Coca Cola adds as far as the image in the red suit, but i didn't realized the red suit showed up that early.
20s sounds very feasible for the estate he came from! Good tidbits on 'ol saint nick! -- ps... I went back the the auction page and "better described" the suit thanks to your information!! thanks Senti!!

and...I was lazy when I listed the coat.... bad me...bad me. She now has her measurements!