Vintage ShowCase


Registered Guest
Several weeks ago I started up a web site to promote the wearing of vintage fashions using photo of ladies wearing fashions from any period.

As it is not connected to any business I also encourage sellers of vintage fashions to have photos there included, with links back and banner to there shop etc.

All I ask it that the photos have to be be of your wearing the outfits/ fashions.
If any of you have photos of you wearing vintage fashions and would like to be included please send me a P/M the address is
Vintage ShowCase
Oh, Paul, it's just lovely! (TrixyDee is a dead link, btw)
I like seeing modern gals in vintage, since I don't see it around here much. It gives me some hope...some evidence!

You might check the rules for posting websites on the forums over at Fedora Lounge, but they do have a "powder room" for the ladies

I wanna be Cherry Lips! ;)
Thank you.. I will look into the broken link. I enjoy seeing vintage fashions worn today as much as collecting them myself, I am a member of the F/L but not very active one , Clerry lips is in the powder room there also.