The skirt pictured here belonged to my mother. Many years ago she told me that she bought it as a teenager - late 1940’s (she was born in 1933). I have a vague memory that she mentioned that it is based on a skirt that Doris Day wore in one of her movies but could be another actress. It is cotton. If it does have cultural value I would consider donating to a museum. Any information will be greatly appreciated! Robin
The skirt pictured here belonged to my mother. Many years ago she told me that she bought it as a teenager - late 1940’s (she was born in 1933). I have a vague memory that she mentioned that it is based on a skirt that Doris Day wore in one of her movies but could be another actress. It is cotton. If it does have cultural value I would consider donating to a museum. Any information will be greatly appreciated! Robin