Vintage Skirts Link with pics on mannequin


Registered Guest
Ok so here is a new link lol :-) this one is front views on the mannequin and the title are my guesses on age lot 40s 50s/?albumview=slideshow

Hello all... I need a few little pointers on dating vintage skirts.... I have WAYYYYY to many to ask advice on so no need to picture them, and I jsut want to push them through in lots... I am sure I have somewhere between 40 and 60...

Can I follow basic guidelines as far as zippers are concerned?

Anything plastic is 1968 and above and metal is below?

Almost all have labels and they me help date I cant by lengths because they are all very similar in length, mid calf I think it was her preference and she only bought things or had them made to fit that length so that doesnt help...

any clues as to placement of zipper? buttons? shape for eras? Thank you all!!!

any type that may be desirable that I need to be on the look out for?

Well, you aren't likely to find a nylon zip before the early to mid 60s, but you could certainly find a metal zipper after that
In addition to the zippers, the cut of the skirts and the materials they are made of should help with dating. You mentioned they have labels - are they "brand name" labels or union labels?

Do they have fiber content labels and/or care labels? If they are sized does the size match the current size or is it a vintage size?

If you look at the " Tips and Tricks" on our main home page you'll find some excellent tips on how to use labels to pin down dates on vintage clothing.

Originally posted by hatfeathers
Well, you aren't likely to find a nylon zip before the early to mid 60s, but you could certainly find a metal zipper after that

Unless the zipper has been replaced of course :)

I agree with Linn on labels. Not only what is on them but the overall look of a label can give you a clue as well.
If you post a few pics of various items, knowing a few can help you figure out the rest. And yes labels are very important, where the item is made can also give you a clue...
Well I didnt want to flood it with pictures and yes I mentioned labels they do help me and perhaps I'll just put a few up and make sure that my gut is right. I feel confindent that i can get 40s and 50s together, and 50s and 60s together in lots. but I am afraid I cant be more specific than that, like 30s lot. 40s lot, 50s lot and so forth :-) the labels are the only thing I have going for me and fabrics lol.... some I have though I am not sure if they are 80s or eralier so maybe I'll post a few pics later... :-)
Metal Zippers in skirts don't really date a skirt. Nicer skirts are still made with metal zippers. I have a newer Liz Clairborne skirt that has one and a 80s YSL that has one also homemade skirts can easily still have them. I have a huge stash of metal skirt zippers and I know that YKK still makes them.

What dates a skirt is cut, length, fabric, construction, etc. It is hard to look at your pictures with the skirts on the floor and know if the dates are right or not without seeing the shape of the skirt or the actual cut or construction. Did you get the skirts from an estate? Were they all supposedly from a date?
No theywerent supposedly from an era... I have 60 total, these were the ones that I thought were older jsut based somewhat on styles of suits that she has that I know are from certain dates... I wanted to sell theses in lots without putting each one on a mannequin because the time I am putting in is making it not cost effective lol... but at the same time I do not like to sell anything without being confident in the ages.... so maybe I'll just go ahead and do about 10-15 on a mannequin the iones I am really unsure about and then a few that are repetative.... I have about 30-30 more that I know are 70s and below but I don't know where abouts 15 or so in the 60sish 50ish mark and I know I have about 20 that are post mid 70s, maybe as late as 90s but as I said I am not too sure, only 3 have had union labels and they were ones I thought were 70s and the label dates them to the 50s 60s lol so I dont know n e more :-)

The problem specificaly is I know she had A LOT of stuff custom made and almost every single skirt is the same darn length i mean we are only talking 2 inches difference between the two opposing skirts so I cant use that as a guide....

thank you all for your help though.. I will figure something out later and try and get some mannequin shots... Im just DUE anyday and trying to take it easy lol!