vintage sneakers

mary angel

Registered Guest
Can anyone help identify these sneakers?Thanks <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>
Hi Mary Angel!


I am not an expert on sneakers, but we do have members who are
more expert in casual wear and shoes. They remind me of the shape of the Chuck Taylor All Stars, but of course they are not. Perhaps the people in the know will stop by and
help you out. Keep checking back as we have members from all different time zones.


PS: If you add breaks between your pictures so they appear under eachother, it might help members who are on dial up connections as well.
I KNOW I've seen this logo before and I'm wracking my brain... they're 40's/50's, if I'm bringing the info up correctly....

Lemme think... look around... see if I can figure out where/when I've seen these before...

i don't think they're converse linda but they do look very much like them don't they? but i think converse had the star mark from the very beginning of the century. maybe a special edition baseball boot? i don't know the names of the big stars in the 40's 50's but maybe one of them under license??

(in short i don't know either!:duh:)
Ok.. I emailed Charlie (the guy with the obsessive "Chuck's" page who also knows a lot of about sneakers in general.

I sent him to your image link above, which had "vans" as the title, and explained that we knew they weren't Vans. He says:

<i>I've been getting people asking about the "boy with the baseball bat" high-top, but everybody asks about it and nobody has any details... although it's definitely earlier than Vans!</i>

So there you have it... a difinitive "I have no idea".

Sorry! But at least you arent' alone! I KNOW I've seen these before though... but the caption probably read "We have no information about these shoes":USING:

Good luck, anyway!
BTW My husband looked at the picture (i asked him) and he said it looked like it was supposed to be Babe Ruth on the picture but just was poorly drawn by the artist versus a kid. Another random anecdote that doesn't hold any water.

I was thinking Babe Ruth, too.
His record breaking World Series game was in 1916... with his baseball career going until 1935.
Not sure when Vans began.. lemme look.

As near as I can tell, Vans were made for skateboarding... so I'm guessing they came out in the late 70's.
They were HUGE in the late 70's, so that would make sense :-)

Hey-- do the OP shoes have any markings on the soles?
If you scroll all the way to the right, you can see the treads of the shoes.

Maybe Mary Angel will come back and let us know if there are any additional markings.

The writing in the innersoles look earlier than 70s to me so i am just taking a stab that 50s or even earlier would be closer. But i really have no expertise here

Hi ,
thanks for all the reponse,there are'nt any additional markings,I went through all the sneakers on Chucks page and these most closely resemble a pair of football sneakers from the late 40s but the logo is definitely a ball player ,someone said they thought maybe Al Kaline?.They definitely look 40s or 50s
Hmmm..maybe i will do an internet search for "Al Kaline sneakers" or licensed products....that is another possibility. Maybe he has a fan site
Hi Mary! Glad to see you finally made it in!!

I still say the baseball player looks like Jackie Robinson. He played in the 40s!! But thati's just my perspective on the player :P

Good luck ~ Maureen
that makes sense as these sneakers most closely resemble a pic I've seen of 40s football sneaks ,I'll do a search on jackie robinson sneakers
In my 54 Montgomery Ward Catalog they are called High Top Duck Skips.
In this site you can find them

Sears called them Jeepers Creepers.

thought maybe you may find more about these knowing what they used to call them

Good luck
I wonder if they are 'Ball' brand. Ball certainly made runners at the time although any examples I have ever seen were marked as such, however, they were a different style of runner. They started off as a glass manufacturer in Indiana or Ohio. They got into rubber by making rubber rings for preserving jars, thus the famous 'Ball' brand canning jar and then got into rubber manufacturing. I am just wondering if this is them, as the seal is essentially a baseball, and it may be a logo playing on the name? I don't know... just speculation.
oops.. sorry... looks like my comments were misconstrued. I wasn't saying the OP's shoes were 70's... I was going off topic to talk about Van's shoes because of the comment by the shoe afficianado <i>"definately earlier than Van's!"</i>

I, too, think these are likely 50's.

Sue-- the guy who runs that site, Charlie, is the person I sent the photo of these shoes to for his opinion.
