Not sure how much cross over there is between vintage lovers and Whovians? Anyone who is in that niche group with me, mustn't miss the excellent 'An Adventure in Space and Time'. It's a feature length docu-drama about the making of the first Doctor Who series in 1963. Best thing I've watched in ages, great writing, good actors, daleks...
It aired yesterday in the UK. I'm not sure if available outside the UK yet, but this trailer is for BBC America, so maybe:
Today's google doodle here is Doctor Who game. Is it Doctor Who fever outside the UK too, with the 50th Anniversary?

It aired yesterday in the UK. I'm not sure if available outside the UK yet, but this trailer is for BBC America, so maybe:
Today's google doodle here is Doctor Who game. Is it Doctor Who fever outside the UK too, with the 50th Anniversary?