Vintage vicuna sweater with odd little underarm patches


Registered Guest

This may be a dumb question but I have to ask... I have this nice vicuna sweater with tiny patches under each arm but I see no issues. I have never seen this on a sweater and wondered why it would be this way.
vicuna sweater 013.JPG
Vicuna underarm patches 002.JPG

Thank you!
Hi everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to reply: ) I was a bit embarrassed to ask the question of whether or not you think the sweater could have been sold with these tiny patches in place. After reading the post from Hattysattic, maybe the patches are original. Mine is also a Ballantyne.
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I'm seeing vicuna items for sale on different websites and prices seem to be all over the map. Last night I saw a suit on the "fancy site." Wow!
Certain managed populations of vicuna are now legal to sell but only subject to controls and certifications (these populations were moved CITES Appendix I to Appendix II, which allows trade under strict controls). However this type of legal sale doesn't apply to older pieces as they won't have any traceability.
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