Vintage wardrobe malfunction

I can't wait to see this movie!!!!!!

It looks like Ms. Watson handled this situation with class. She looks fabulous!
Daniel Radcliffe is an adorable elf. I want to keep him in my pocket like a pet kangaroo.
Good Grief.

Is no one mocking Helena for her usual caught in a windstorm look? She's dressed in something from the Britney Spears collection (circa age 14).
She was on Letterman, and said it was a "wardrobe malfunction, but glad she was wearing underwear"

she is absolutely darling, personable and really held her own on the show. :)

It's ENgland - why did none of them bring an umbrella? Surely a limo would have dropped them off at the curb and someone with an umbrella would be waiting for them to exit the car - I don't understand why they are all so soaked.
It was unbelieveable rain - I got soaked even with an umbrella, came down so suddenly, so hard, and blew sideways, and splashed up from the pavement. Umbrellas were no match for it - it was like having someone turn a hose on you. It wasn't English rain!

And yes, great ladylike knickers, I bet she thanked her lucky stars on that choice. She looks fantastic, and managed to save her hair.

Am I the only one who likes Helena Bonham-Carter's quirky-English-eccentric style? She always looks like she's having fun with clothes, and not taking herself too seriously. She treats fashion like it's a big dressing up box to play with, and I like that attitude.
Originally posted by GoldenAge

Am I the only one who likes Helena Bonham-Carter's quirky-English-eccentric style? She always looks like she's having fun with clothes, and not taking herself too seriously. She treats fashion like it's a big dressing up box to play with, and I like that attitude.

AH...ISN'T she wonderful!!!! I'm totally mad for her; she so outclasses everyone on the page in my book.
Am I the only one who likes Helena Bonham-Carter's quirky-English-eccentric style? She always looks like she's having fun with clothes, and not taking herself too seriously. She treats fashion like it's a big dressing up box to play with, and I like that attitude.

I think she's terrific, too!

And Emma's dress was just gorgeous... (and her response to the "breach" was admirably poised...)
Originally posted by cmpollack
Am I the only one who likes Helena Bonham-Carter's quirky-English-eccentric style? She always looks like she's having fun with clothes, and not taking herself too seriously. She treats fashion like it's a big dressing up box to play with, and I like that attitude.

I think she's terrific, too!

I'm another one that loves her!
Ditto. She just does her own thing and I like that. There are definitely a lot worse styles around... I am always amazed at how much money one can spend on stuff that looks really cheap (just thinking of a certain "hip" label here that at the moment is being touted all over German TV as if it were the measure of all things *shudder*)! Her style is eccentric, but it surely never looks cheap.

I think it's gotten to the point where Helena's style is so her and you just accept it and somehow love her for it. Anyone else would get ticket from the fashion police! lol

I love that dress Emma Watson has on - she looks gorgeous. The dress is to die for.