Vogue Paris Original


VFG Treasurer
I just got a 3-piece Vogue Paris Original dress, bolero and cape in a black ribbed fabric almost like faille, that otherwise has brocade type flowers. I found the label in the label resource and it's the one with the Eiffel Tower from the early 1960s. The resource also states that with a little research, one can find the designer behind the pattern. How do you go about doing that? It looks like there are thousands of these patterns out there.

Thank you
You might try and check the Vintage Patterns Wiki: http://vintagepatterns.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page It's the best go-to website I know when it comes to vintage patterns. I use it to check dating on un-dated patterns and I also contribute patterns that aren't listed yet.
You can look through a category (there's one for Vogue Paris Original) or just search. If your set has any special design features/elements, those terms will probably help you to narrow the search down the best way.
I suggest you also try google images. Search for: vogue Paris original pattern, plus appropriate search terms such as: dress cape three piece 196os. Try different combinations, sometimes fewer search terms are better, sometimes more. Also try putting "vogue Paris original" in quotes to narrow down your search.

I find if you know roughly what something looks like, google images can be the easiest way to find it.

Regarding the date though, Also be aware that vogue paris originals labels were sometimes held in stock by the pattern shop for a long time, so you dress could be years later than the one in the resource. If you want to confirm the dress design is 60s then post pictures here and people can help you date it.
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Eg by searching - "Vogue Paris Original" pattern cape bolero - I quickly found these two. I don't know if these are yours, but you will! If not, keep trying different search terms. It's much easy to look over a page of images than to keep clicking on links.


Thank you Ruth. I had actually spent hours and hours looking through photos using Google. Just can't find the pattern. I tried searching with key words like cape jacket, bolero, fitted dress, dress with bow sash, three piece and everything in between. The cape is not really a true cape as it has sleeves but there are no buttons and just a hook and eye closure at the neck like a cape. Here are some pics. I found it to be close to some of the 1960-61 Dior patterns but also some of the Mme Gres. The dress is so tiny that it didn't fit on my mannequin so the pictures are taken with the dress pinned to the outside which just doesn't do it justice but it was even worse on just a hanger. I would love to know what the experts think. Era, designer, or anything else.

Thank you
IMG_5574.JPG IMG_5575.JPG IMG_5589.JPG IMG_5586.JPG IMG_5580.JPG IMG_5582.JPG IMG_5576.JPG IMG_5597.JPG
Based on the style and the fabric, I'd say late 50s to early 60s. Keep in mind you may have a conglomeration of different patterns used for this. That's the beauty of sewing. You can work with different patterns to make one outfit, and you can change the style by adding elements from a different design. I think the dress and jacket are Vogue pattern 1443 by Mme. Gres from 1959, and the coat comes from a different pattern. The seamstress added a collar to the jacket, which really changes the look.
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Wow! Thank you so much Jody. This is definitely it. How did you go about finding it? I did find some similar Mme Gres patterns but not this one. It also seems like the way the band was tied is not how it was intended. Should I try to fix it?

Also how do you typically describe in a listing such designer pattern but unknown seamstress made clothing? Especially, considering that the cape is from a different pattern, I certainly don't want to misrepresent it but also want to make sure that buyers would know it was by a great designer like Mme Gres.
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Victoria just be straightforward - you are best to state it is a home made or seamstress sewn dress and that the dress and jacket were based on a commercial pattern designed by Mme. Gres. You can also mention that the cape likely came from another pattern or was the sewer's own design.

I think the waist tie is correct, just perhaps a little low and loose. I would undo it, press or steam and retie. It's probably best to put in a couple of stitches once the desired look is achieved - unless this is over the opening?
Victoria now you have a date of c.1959 for the dress/jacket pattern you might try looking at patterns around that point.
I just did a Google image search for "Vogue Paris Original dress and coat" and this one came up, although quite a bit down the page. I actually thought the jacket was the extra piece at first, since it covers the bow of the dress, and dresses with matching coats were so popular at that time. I was just lucky, that's all. Glad I could help!