voyager mohair coat


Registered Guest
I have a voygage coat wool and mohair made in England. It is off white with silk lining, it is in perfect condition. I am wondering if it has any value as a collectable and if there is a market?
Hi Claudia,

I'm not hugely up on later designer stuff but I know it's an expensive label, so I am sure it may have a fair resale value - although as I say I am perhaps not the right person to answer this!

What does it say precisely on the tag, and have you an idea when you bought it/how old it is?

And welcome, by the way! :)
Hi Claudia!

Do you happen to have any photos of the coat and it's label to post?

It sounds very nice! :bouncing:

I'm not familiar with the label, but I've sold a lot of coats, and anything I've ever had that has been off white, and of any wool fabric other than plain wool, has sold pretty high--even those without name-brand or designer labels. It sounds terrific, especially with that silk lining; can you post a photo?
ok, here are the photos (hope this works). the first is the coat, the second is the lining, the third is the tag on the neck, and the fourth is the tag on inside. thanks again for all your help!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
As long as it is in perfect and clean condition, it would have some value, but nothing very high. The style is pretty common to the 50s and 60s eras, and without a spectacular fur collar or great new look cut, I've had trouble moving this type of coat.
If that's the satin I think it is, that heavy vintage satin, ooooooo.....I have a thing for that satin. It's so lux!

If you want to try to sell it, show it on someone hip and young that fits well in it.

It looks very cozy! Don't know the label, though. You might want to try it on eBay. Though Jenn is right about the difficulty of moving this style/age coat (I have lots of them I've had to let go cheaply), I have had luck with this color. Anything in cream or off-white that I've listed has sold first listing, some at very nice pricing. And if you can show it on a live model, that will help!
loevly clean colour...these are often in charity shops here in Uk...for about £5-10...but you should get more on ebay...and its a great clean neutral colour...l love them myself as you can wear a different one with each outfit..if long enough, that one looks a little short is it a petite?