Wanted: Jet Buttons


Alumni +
3 Jet Buttons

I need 2 - 3 jet or black glass buttons. 1" square and a faceted surface.


Hello! I just saw this post....do you have any that you need to match? The antique button manufacturers sometimes used different faceting patterns. They even made some with quilt patterns!! If you can get me a picture of what you need to match I can see what I have and then check with some more of my button buddies. Additionally, the PSBS (PA State Button Society) Show is this weekend. I can make it a point to look for them for you!!

oh, and if you thought taking pics of black clothing was tough? try the black glass buttons!!

Thank you Patti - Here you go - it did take a couple tries!


hmm...that's an interesting design. Am I correct when I say that I see long facets along the edges and a semi-circular facet at the corners? If you have a jeweler's loupe you can see if the facets were ground on a wheel by hand (faint, long scratches) or if they were pressed into a mold (usually there is a mold mark along the outer edge). If I can't find exact matches will you be interested in something that is similar?


P.S. We button collectors hate to get pics of our black glass buttons! We lighten the pictures up just like some of the vintage clothing folks so you can see details!!
That is right - long sides and circles in the corners. Similar will be fine - I can always place the new ones under the wide belt of the garment.
