WANTED: Men's 1970 Leisure Suits

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WANTED: Men\'s 1970 Leisure Suits

WANTED: Men's 1970 Leisure Suits

The uglier, the better!!

Any size!!

Thanks ~ Maureen
You don't know how many I have passed up!

What about really REALLY horrible hideous sportcoats/blazers of the same timeframe? or just whole suits?

If the leisure suit jacket is hideous enough, I'd be happy with just the jacket but the whole suit would be best.

I'm also looking for 70s men's wear in plaid. And a few of those really big 70s bowties would be good.

No, this isn't for Halloween, lol, although it certainly sounds like it could be! :wacko:

I'm gonna cry...... three weeks ago I sent away a customer who wanted to see me a bunch of 70s suits.......!!!!!!! I'll see if I can track her back down!
I just listed some 70s disco men's shoes that would look great with a hideous leisure suit.:P

Maureen, I am still checking on what I have.