wanted to share double rainbow pic


Registered Guest
just wanted to share our rainbow with those of you who might be having a bad weather day. it really is sorta strange weather here today (atlanta) mid 60's with heavy rain, then it stops quickly, sun comes out and then repeats. but inbetween, we had this beautiful double rainbow. hope everyone has a great weekend! (by the way, my photo is of my grandmother in her early 20's in the early 1930's. she was a very classy dresser!)
merry christmas,
wow thats beautiful!
Great colors in the pic too! Very vivid!
That is breathtaking! Photoshop and special effects pale in comparison to mother nature.

Our rainy season is in July/early August. Leaves just fall for 5 months this time of year.

BTW..thanks for sharing about your grandmother...fully accessorized, too!
I've never seen a double rainbow and--WOW--it looks like a completely-lighter sky is encased in the lower rainbow. That's fantastic!

Your grandmother looks stylish, kind, and fun, too!
As I was looking at your beautiful photo, a song came on about rainbows!! So, I just stared at it for a long time and listened to the song then sighed!

Thank you sooooo much for sharing!!

Cheers ~ Maureen