Washing vintage housecoat 50's


Registered Guest
Hi Everyone,

I know you should launder your clothes before selling them on ebay, etc. I found this great 50's silk housecoat. I soaked it in water to wash it by hand as it is a gentle garment. I noticed the water turned blue, is it common for vintage items to have color wash out when you launder them? Should they be washed if they are this delicate? Thanks!
You should assess each garment individually to decide whether or not it can washed. Some are too delicate, others not, and a great many factors come in to deciding, the kind of fabric, the kind of trims, and so on.

Yes, dye running is quite common, and doesn't mean you shouldn't wash it. However it can cause problems if another part of the garment is a different, paler colour, as the colour may 'bleed' from one part to another.

As MJ says, cold water is best for minimising dye-run, with a gentle detergent. Don't leave things to soak if you don't have to, start with a short-wash as that may be enough.

Sometimes modern garments will also have colour bleed, it just depends how 'fast' the dyeing process was.