Water Damage?!


Registered Guest
[align=center]Will water damage come out in dry cleaning?

I don't have a lot of experience with water damage.
It is barely visable from the outside of the dress but clearly evident from the inside.




Will this lighten when dry cleaned?? How do you treat water damage??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much ladies!

I would first try a clean white cloth dampened. Kind of use a feathering motion, working a small section at a time and dry each section right away with a hair dryer on cool temp. If that doesnt work then maybe a dry cleaning would help.

My (excellent) drycleaner has wisely said: the only thing that will get water out is more water...

I'd try very carefully spot-cleaning with a damp cloth as Brenda suggested. Then if your dry-cleaner is a good one, go have a discussion with them. The dry-cleaning still might help.

I think your spots have a good chance of lightening, but since they don't show through, I wouldn't risk the dress by hand-washing the whole thing or anything like like that.
