VFG Member
My other job is running a tourist attraction, which was featured on BBC1 today. You can see it, and me blathering on, here:
After a bit of preamble the Grotto piece starts at 54.00. I am wearing a 50s day dress with crinoline...if only I looked half as good as the young girl in the black and white archive clip!
The Grotto's website usually gets around 3000 hits a day. When we've had national TV in the past that's shot up to more than 25,000 - I can't wait until tomorrow to check!! Apparently this shows gets 1.2million viewers...they're all welcome at my door.
After a bit of preamble the Grotto piece starts at 54.00. I am wearing a 50s day dress with crinoline...if only I looked half as good as the young girl in the black and white archive clip!
The Grotto's website usually gets around 3000 hits a day. When we've had national TV in the past that's shot up to more than 25,000 - I can't wait until tomorrow to check!! Apparently this shows gets 1.2million viewers...they're all welcome at my door.