Wedding/ Bridal / Gown / Dress

Does anyone have a clue whats "hot" or "politically correct" now in kw searches?

is it bridal gown, wedding gown, bridal dress, wedding dress?

i've searched both ways and the results seem to really vary depending on the site.

any sugestions? I can use them all in the description,but wonder which is best for the title. :)

I recently listed a dress that could be used by a bride - and I used the words "bridal gown." If it was not full length I probably would have said bridal dress. Then again - I always say "blouse" and I think "shirt" is used ten times more ... even for a feminine little ... blouse.
Just a thought:
if you are selling internationally, I would go for wedding dress/gown. I think that's the keyword non-native english speakers would be most likely to search for. (I would, anyway...:D )
