Wedding dress age

Dilly Day

Registered Guest
Would anyone be able to help me put an approximate date to this hand made wedding dress please?
It is tiny so won't fit on my mannequin - I apologise for the poor quality of the photos - the dress looks a different colour in almost e
every shot but it is off-white.
The fabric has a very fine velour-like feel and doesn't seem to be synthetic. It has lightly gathered puffed shoulders with thin pads - these are not filled but appear to be a layer of cream silk with a white muslin underside. The sleeves are so narrow that I can't get my hand past the elbow, they come to a point over the hand area. Not sure how to describe the neckline - draped or cowl? There are gathers at each side below the shoulder. The train is sewn in to the waist seam.
It fastens at the back of the neck with two hooks and hand made loops. There are a row of press studs on the left side with one hook in the middle at the waist. It's in very good condition - hardly surprising if it was only worn once I suppose!
The dress seems to have elements of the 30s, 40s, 60s & 70s to me!!
Any input would be much appreciated!
Many thanks for your replies. I think you are all right with the 30s date.
Maggie - yes, I have looked through the Wedding Resource thanks. What threw me a bit was the attached train as I haven't seen anything quite the same. I think you may be right about the silk velvet - the more I handle it the more likely that seems. I have added a couple of enlarged pics of the fabric - right & wrong