Wedding Dress!


Registered Guest
Hi Everyone,

I was at this church thrift store and saw this amazing wedding dress. They let me take a photo w/ my cell phone, but I didn't realize I was actually using the video feature. So the pics aren't too great..but I'm hoping someone can help me date this? Its lace with a high neck, long to the floor--and the veil is attached to a cap style hat. any feedback would be great. Thank you!

The dress was $35. Considering going back to buy it...
It does seem to have a 70's vibe. Wedding dresses are tricky to sell - they are difficult to list ... and ship ... Personally, I wouldn't be tempted at that price unless there's something really fabulous going on that I am missing. But I would have been tempted years ago!
Yeah, at $35 you'd really need to be able to double that to make it worth the trouble that wedding dresses can be, and I just don't se that happening.
If it is a generous (normal) size, in impeccable condition and your photos and presentation are right on target, plus the stars are all in alignment, I would see it being a $30=$60 ebay sale.
With those sleeves, though, it looks a bit more like a cool weather gown, so you'll likely end up sitting on it for a while.

Wedding dresses are tricky. They are often kept, and kept well, and the buying market is at their most persnickity ever in their is their wedding, you know, it only happens once (well, that's the way it's supposed to be, at least!
Thanks for the feedback. I've opted NOT to buy it, as much as I love it, it would probably be hard to sell. Thanks for calming me down! hahaha..I get so excited when I see things that *I* love.