Hi Everyone,
This web site is great! It's rekindled my interest in vintage clothes so I took a trip up to my attic to get this:
It's Pierre Cardin made out of super chunkey wool and patent leather. You can't see in the photo but there's a big silver button on the pocket. The neck and bottom of the dress are quilted patent leather and very stiff so when you wear it it's bell shaped (and hard to sit down in!) Has anyone ever seen this before? I'd love to get the date and any other info, and what the value might be. Also, what would it be worn with on the bottom? Could there have been matching PANTS????
This web site is great! It's rekindled my interest in vintage clothes so I took a trip up to my attic to get this:
It's Pierre Cardin made out of super chunkey wool and patent leather. You can't see in the photo but there's a big silver button on the pocket. The neck and bottom of the dress are quilted patent leather and very stiff so when you wear it it's bell shaped (and hard to sit down in!) Has anyone ever seen this before? I'd love to get the date and any other info, and what the value might be. Also, what would it be worn with on the bottom? Could there have been matching PANTS????