Well this went for more than I expected!

Gres17 is Beverly Birks I believe... hobbled dresses always sell well because they are rare. Also, it won't be too expensive to recreate the lining. I thought about this dress myself and had it been anything other than a cream lace wedding dress (or black dress) I would have been VERY eagre to bid.
gres17 is the winning bidders ebay id

congrats, Marie! you're story-telling is so intrigueing that it helps, too!

PLUS its got roomy measurements compared to so much of that era

yay for you!!!:USETHUMBUP:
How pretty! I think it should have gone higher, what with having the original label and all. That itself is a pretty rare thing, no?! Still, the price isn't anything to laugh at, so congrats, man!
Beeeeee-yooo-tee-ful, {Marie}!

As George Peppard would say, "I love it when a plan comes together"....or exceeds itself.